Infestations and Your Homeowner’s Insurance

At Selkirk Insurance Services of Sandpoint, ID, we receive many inquiries about homeowners insurance coverage. Often, these questions come from individuals who have encountered damage to their homes from infestations such as mice, rats, wasps, bees, termites, squirrels, and the like.

Would these be covered?

Home insurance typically covers unforeseen and accidental damage. It is not intended to cover damage resulting from a lack of maintenance. Infestations are regularly seen as preventable issues that regular inspections and maintenance could counter. Hence, damage from infestations is typically not covered under home insurance.

In certain instances, pest control firms may offer their standalone warranties.

Preventing Infestations and the Resultant Damage

Observing potential damage from rodents and insects is crucial in maintaining your home. This is akin to checking for leaks from the roof or pipes, examining windows for cracks or other damage, and looking for rotting siding. All these tasks are part of diligent home maintenance practices.

Inspect your home seasonally for possible ways pests could infiltrate your living space. These could include gaps in the siding, cracks in the foundation, low-hanging branches touching the roof, or broken or defective vents.

A thorough inspection of these areas is critical to ensure that pests have not already made their way in, and if they have, they are immediately removed. Any detected gaps or potential entry points should be promptly addressed.

Contact Selkirk Insurance Services For Questions

If you are a homeowner in the Sandpoint, ID area and have any questions regarding your home insurance, please get in touch with us at Selkirk Insurance Services. We are here to review your policy and provide a quote. Don’t hesitate to contact us today for assurance and peace of mind.