Quick Tips on How to Make Your Cleaning Products Work More

Cleaning products are all around us and used everyday for their primary purpose. However, many of these packaged chemicals have the capability of being used for more than just sanitizing and cleaning up dirt.

Cleaning your windows is almost synonymous with the use of Windex or a similar alcohol-based window cleaner. However, this same product works extremely well in shining up metallic equipment furniture like chrome and brass. Windex also works as an effective stain remover, but only the clear version. The blue Windex will obviously leave a blue stain.

Laundry detergent, the dry powdery type, makes for an effective oil stain cleaner in the garage. Pour a bit of the detergent on the oil dripping and let it sit. If the stain has been there a while, moisten it with water and scrub into the cement a bit. Then let sit for 24 hours before washing away. The oil will be significantly gone if not completely removed.

If you’re an artist or painter, you will love fabric softener sheets. Put a sheet in a cup of water with the brushes, and the chemicals on the sheet will cause the latex paint to come right off the brushes, allowing them to be used again and again. Dryer sheets also make an excellent air freshener for a vacuum cleaner by placing one in the vacuum cleaner bag before using.

Ammonia is one of the harshest cleaning chemicals available, but the fumes alone can rip grease off of metal oven parts. Many folks take some ammonia, but it in a plastic bag with the oven range part, and let it sit outside for a night tied up. The next day, the range part is lost all of its gunk and is ready to wash off for a clean oven use.

The Insurance Shop USA, serving Sandypoint, ID, is in the business of selling insurance, but that doesn’t stop them from sharing great ideas on living as well, including those that give you more bang for the buck.


Taking the Pain Out of Updating Your Insurance

It doesn’t matter where in the States you are, be it Sandypoint, ID or even somewhere up in Alaska, the fact is, you need to make sure that your home and vehicle insurances are up to date.  Let’s talk about why it is important to do this. 

Most of the time, people tend to think that once you purchase a home insurance policy, you are done.  However, there are times when it is critical to update it.  When are those times?  Let’s see.

  • Have you made any renovations or home improvements?  Has your bathroom or kitchen had a makeover?  Have you recently added a storage shed?  All of these things are reasons for you to make sure that your homeowner’s insurance is up to date.
  • Do you have the proper amount of coverage for your vehicle and/or home?  Take a peek at your policy and see how much protection you have in the liability area.  This is the part of your policy that deals with bodily injury or property damage claims.
  • If you are missing out on savings, you might want to update your policy.  It is always a good idea to review your policy – be it home or auto – to ensure that you have a working knowledge of your coverages and to take advantage of any savings opportunities.
  • Have you recently bought a big ticket item?  If so, believe it or not, it can impact your current insurance policy.

The items just discussed are just a sample of the things that can have an impact on your insurance policy.  Check with The Insurance Shop USA to review your home and auto insurance policies today.  You never know when you will need it and it needs to be up to date when you do.

Tips on Keeping Your Car Clean While Keeping the Earth Green

With the warmer weather on the near horizon many turn their thoughts to spring cleaning. Out with the old and in with the new. Automobile enthusiasts and regular folks alike want their car to reflect this attitude as well. 

There are many new products on the market that will help you keep your car clean while maintaining your commitment to a green Earth. Eco-friendly products have been around for several years and continue to improve as new technologies are developed. Although washing your car yourself will save on water and product usage, there are waterless cleaning solutions available as well. Just a little web-surfing will net a plethora of alternatives to maintaining your vehicle with no regard to your environment.

  • The Driveway Dandy – self-washing is an overall tour de force as it is a win – win- win! Car washing is  fun, great on the body as you get to exercise, great on the environment as you get to choose the amount of water expended and cleaning product employed,     
  • The Driveway Dandy goes viral – With the spring and summer coming there is absolutely no reason not to get the entire family and community involved in washing their own vehicles. Make it a neighborhood event. Depending upon your proximity with your neighbors, you may be close enough to shoot the breeze while you wipe the grime off of your auto – the greater the participation; the greater the impact on the environment. 

As you consider bringing new things to bear with the spring consider reviewing your insurance policy for your car. Many get caught in the web of stale insurance that does not offer competitive values. Contacting the team of professionals at the Insurance Shop USA will be an awesome step in spring cleaning your outdated policy.

Tips for Getting Your Boat Ready for Summer

You have probably already noticed that it is getting warmer outside and if you have a boat, you are ready to get it out on the water for some summer fun. Before you get it out to enjoy the longer days of summer, there are a few things you should do in order to get it in tip-top shape for the coming months. Use our tips to make sure everything is in order for your boat.

  • De-winterize your boat. You likely took the time to winterize your boat before the cold weather and if you did, you need to make sure you de-winterize it before you use it this summer.
  • Get a tune up. One of the best things you can do for your boat before using it all summer is get a tune up done to make sure everything is in working order and fix any issues that may be there after not using it for a while. You may even want to make this a yearly thing you do before summer.
  • Check your battery. If you have not used your boat in some time, especially during the winter months, then you should check your battery to make sure it still has power. If it doesn’t, make sure you replace it so you don’t get stuck on the water with a dead battery.
  • Check your life jackets and fire extinguisher. Safety is very important so check these two things to make sure they are in good condition and working properly just in case you need them this summer. 

As always, you should also have a great boat policy on your boat to protect you from anything unexpected. If you do not have one or would like to explore a new option, please contact us at The Insurance Shop USA today. 

Tools You Should Always Have in Your Vehicle

There is no question that driving can be fun; however, it is also a necessity. Most people rely on their vehicles to get them to work, school and to run errands. In order to make sure you are safe while driving in Sandy Point, ID be sure you have the following items with you at all times. This will allow you to handle any emergency situation that may come up while on the road.


It is a good idea to keep several lint-free, clean rags in any vehicle to wipe the dipstick for your transmission or oil and check the levels. These rags can also be used to clean the inner part of your windshield if it becomes cloudy.

Spare parts

If you have decided to replace the spark plugs, you should save the old ones if they have not become too worn. Throw them in your toolbox to use as a replacement if needed. This goes for your older air filters or other gizmos that may need to be replaced. Keeping a few extra screws, bolts and nuts can be beneficial.

Spare tire

This one may seem obvious, but it is essential to make sure you have a spare tire with you at all times. This will ensure you can change out a flat tire if needed.

Lug wrench

This is an essential tool for changing a tire and something you should keep in the trunk or truck bed at all times. If you don’t have this, it will be impossible to change a tire.

Take some time to make sure you are safe on the road. This includes purchasing quality insurance coverage. If you need vehicle insurance, contact The Insurance Shop USA today to learn more.



A Room-Specific Emergency Guide for your Home

The rights and responsibilities of Sandypoint, ID residents might vary depending upon the type of home insurance coverage purchased. In any case, it is important that you know what emergency equipment you need in each room of your home.

How to Keep Your Whole Home Safe

You can improve your home safety by having at least one fire extinguisher on every floor. It also is advisable to have a smoke alarm and carbon dioxide detector on each level. Extra batteries, dry food, water and extra batteries can also be stored in multiple locations in case of a natural disaster or fire. First aid supplies should also be stored in one or more location on each floor.

Emergency Equipment Needed in Each Room

The information you see below about what you need in each room is in addition to the supplies recommended for use on each floor. You also might want to have extras of these in more than one place in your house.

Kitchen/Dining Room – In addition to the smoke alarm, fire extinguisher and first aid supplies; this room should also include about three to five days’ worth of non-perishable food in your cabinets.

Bathroom – In addition to the standard emergency equipment and first aid, you might want to keep extra hygiene supplies here. Medications and supplements also might be well-stored here as long as you keep them dry.

Bedrooms – Keep an extra supply of clothing, blanket and shoes in a fire-resistant location such as chest at the end of your bed.

Living Room — Here is where you can store an emergency radio that runs on batteries. A landline phone when available is also help in urgent situations when you don’t have cell phone service. 

Basement/Pantry – This is another place where you can store extra food and first aid supplies. You also might want to put water here because it would stay cool in these locations in case of a power outage. As long as this area stays dry, keep some extra power supplies and alternate safe fuel down here too.

You might have questions about what kinds of disasters Sandpoint, ID homeowners insurance might cover. If so, please contact The Insurance Shop USA for more information. 


5 Tips to Adopt for Safe Driving

According to the Idaho Transportation Department, there were more than 22,000 motor vehicle crashes in 2014. Adopting safe driving habits should be a priority if you want to avoid a collision on the road.

  1. Wear a seatbelt while driving. There is a reason the seatbelt is also called a safety belt. It can save lives if you are ever in a car accident. Seatbelts are intended to protect your spinal cord and brain while keeping you inside the vehicle in the event of a crash.
  2. Keep your windows clean. Your windows become caked with mud, dirt, spots, and other debris from fluctuating weather conditions. You should maintain window-washing fluid to keep the debris from clouding your visual field.
  3. Pass vehicles at a safe distance. Keep a distance of approximately 3 seconds between you and the car you wish to pass. Being too close can limit the right amount of space needed and cause a collision, especially on highways where speeds are elevated.
  4. Take steps to stay alert. Staying alert can be something as simple as slowing down at an intersection, whether it has a stop sign or not. In neighborhoods where children may play, you should also be alert. A child could run into the road in an instant.
  5. Adjust your driving for cloudy weather conditions. The first few minutes after it starts to rain is when the road is the most slippery. When it begins to rain, oils that are embedded in the way begin to lift. You should be most cautious during this time and drive slower.

For more tips about adopting safe driving habits, visit The Insurance Shop USA in Sandpoint, Idaho. The independent insurance agents can also explore new policy options and answer any questions you may have regarding your current policy.

How to Keep Your Car Clean

Your car is often one of the first things that new friends and co-workers notice about you.  For that reason, it’s just as important to keep it clean as it is to keep your home clean.  If you’re short on time, however, that can be hard to do.  Follow these tips to keep your car looking great.

  1. Collect trash regularly.  Make it a habit to collect a bag of trash every time you’re in a drive-through line or waiting to pick the kids up from school.  Make it a game among the kids; whoever fills a trash bad first wins a small prize (or just gets to pick the radio station that day).
  2. Never leave your car empty-handed.  Every time you get out of the car, make sure you’re taking something else out of it.  This can really reduce the clutter that tends to accumulate.  Make sure to get your kids on board, especially if they tend to leave school papers and sporting equipment in your vehicle.
  3. Keep car cleaning wipes in your car.  These are easy to store and they make it easy to clean all kinds of messes.  Look for upholstery wipes to immediately wipe up any spilled liquids.  Also keep glass wipes on hand to quickly remove anything that gets on windows and the windshield (this is also a good safety tip).

After taking such good care of your car, you want to make sure that you have a good auto insurance policy to protect it as well.  Call the agents at The Insurance Shop USA to find an affordable policy that will give you the protection you need.

Rental Car Options in Sandypoint, Indiana

Located in the heart of Idaho, Sandypoint allows it’s residents to lake Pend Orielle and all the beautiful surrounding rocky mountain wildlife the state has to offer. So visiting friends and family will probably want a car to drive, to explore the countryside themselves, so they aren’t relying on you to drive them around. Below are some rental car options in Sandypoint, Idaho, all with different pros and cons.


Renting a car at the airport or a local car rental place near Sandypoint is probably the simplest option, but can be expensive. Sure, they can rent a car for a low day rate, but they will have to turn down the insurance on the vehicle.  This is usually a bad idea in general, due to the winding mountain roads in this part of Idaho. The inclement weather can be hazardous and dangerous to drive in and the wildlife that could always dart out in front of them. Accidents in a rental car without coverage can be quite expensive and then there’s the tacked on the cost of gas, to boot.


A taxi or a private driver is another option though this is undoubtedly the most expensive way to get around Sandypoint, Idaho, as they’ll be hiring not only the car but the driver. That said, they won’t be directly paying for gas or having to worry about getting into an accident, so it may be the best way to get around the area if they can afford it.


Allowing friends and family to borrow your car may be best for your visitors as it’s probably the cheapest and most efficient. However, it could put you in a problematic situation if they happen to have an accident, as your auto insurance may not cover them and you will suddenly be at fault for allowing them to drive. So check your auto insurance policy and consider getting a new one through The Insurance Shop USA, who serves the Sandypoint, Idaho area to make sure visitors borrowing your vehicle will be covered.


Home Liability Insurance: What Is Covered

Home liability coverage is commonly provided on homeowners Insurance policies. It is important that you know what it covers so that you can determine whether the limits are sufficient or if they need to be added to based upon how much protection you desire.

Anyone visiting your home has the potential to hurt themselves. Some of it may be as a result of negligence, while others may be due to a freak accident, such as slipping on ice near your sidewalk or tripping in a hole in your yard.

Regardless, you want to make sure that the home liability coverage is in place so that you can file a claim for the insurance company to cover the majority of expenses. Otherwise, you could find yourself spending a lot of money to make things right.

The coverage may be able to take care of such things as:

  • Legal expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical bills
  • Time lost from work
  • Death benefits

While you hope that an accident isn’t too severe, or would potentially lead to death, it is important for you to have the protection because the bills could otherwise bankrupt you.

Think about it. Should someone decide to get a lawyer, it could result in tens of thousands of dollars in a pain and suffering settlement, and this doesn’t even include the medical bills that they still have to pay. You as the homeowner are the one held financially responsible if you’re found liable, and therefore the coverage needs to be there – or you could be in serious financial despair.

Contact one of our independent insurance agents at The Insurance Shop USA today to learn more about home liability coverage and how you can control the limits within your homeowner’s insurance policy in Rathdrum.