Home Liability Insurance: What Is Covered

Home liability coverage is commonly provided on homeowners Insurance policies. It is important that you know what it covers so that you can determine whether the limits are sufficient or if they need to be added to based upon how much protection you desire.

Anyone visiting your home has the potential to hurt themselves. Some of it may be as a result of negligence, while others may be due to a freak accident, such as slipping on ice near your sidewalk or tripping in a hole in your yard.

Regardless, you want to make sure that the home liability coverage is in place so that you can file a claim for the insurance company to cover the majority of expenses. Otherwise, you could find yourself spending a lot of money to make things right.

The coverage may be able to take care of such things as:

  • Legal expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical bills
  • Time lost from work
  • Death benefits

While you hope that an accident isn’t too severe, or would potentially lead to death, it is important for you to have the protection because the bills could otherwise bankrupt you.

Think about it. Should someone decide to get a lawyer, it could result in tens of thousands of dollars in a pain and suffering settlement, and this doesn’t even include the medical bills that they still have to pay. You as the homeowner are the one held financially responsible if you’re found liable, and therefore the coverage needs to be there – or you could be in serious financial despair.

Contact one of our independent insurance agents at The Insurance Shop USA today to learn more about home liability coverage and how you can control the limits within your homeowner’s insurance policy in Rathdrum.



Top Tips for Driving in Winter Weather in Rathdrum

If you’re willing to get out in the cold weather and take on the slippery roadways, then it’s important that you be as prepared as possible. Proper preparation will require taking several factors into consideration. For starters, you’ll want to make sure that in the event you were to become stranded on the side of the road that you have proper attire. This will include having lots of blankets and winter gear stored in your trunk. You’ll also want to keep a charged up cell phone on you at all times. Even if the phone doesn’t have carrier service on it, you can still use it to call 911 if need be. 

Switch Out Your Tires

Another way to be ready for driving in winter weather is by switching out your tires for ones that go well in the snow. Winter tires are well known for having a certain type of tread on them that enables them to strongly grip the roadway even when it’s wet and slick. As you can imagine, these tires tend to be a bit more expensive than their counterparts, which is why you should switch them out to ensure you get the most use out of them as possible during the parts of the year that they need to be on your car. 

Be Careful with 4WD

Just because you have a vehicle with 4WD capabilities doesn’t mean it’s going to brake any faster than vehicles that are only 2WD. In fact, because 4WD vehicles are usually quite large, it will likely take you longer to brake, especially when sliding on ice or snow. 

To learn more about driving the safe way in winter weather, contact an agent from The Insurance Shop USA today. 

Sandypoint: Reasons to Work with an Independent Insurance Agent

When a person goes to purchase insurance, there is a great need to understand that policies can be purchased through multiple providers. In fact, purchasing insurance through multiple providers is often a great choice to make because it helps lead to greater savings in the long run. And even when buying through various brands of insurance, as long as a person goes through an independent agent, bundling discounts are still available, which leads to even greater savings. 

If you’re looking for insurance — no matter the type of policy — you should always consider the advantages that are to be gained by going through an independent agent in Sandypoint. Here’s a close look at three benefits you are sure to gain. 

Individualized Attention Means Better Customer Service

When you go through an independent agent, you can have peace of mind in knowing that this person will handle all of your claims. By working with the same person each time, this helps ensure that the claims process goes as smoothly and quickly as possible. And with better customer service comes greater satisfaction with all of your claims. To make sure you are getting the attention you deserve, make sure to contact an independent insurance agent today. 

Greater Choice of Policies

Another excellent reason to go through an independent agent is because you will have a greater choice of policies to choose from. No matter the type of insurance you are looking for, a greater choice of policies will lead to more competitive pricing, meaning you can save a lot of money. 

To learn more about acquiring services through an independent agent in Sandypoint, contact The Insurance Shop USA today. 

Ways To Prepare For The Cold As A First Time Homeowner

It is almost winter and there is never a guarantee of how warm or how cold it may be. As a homeowner, it is always best to prepare for the worst. As a first time homeowner, it can be difficult to know exactly where to start with this task. There are many ways you can prepare for a cold winter that will keep you and your family warm and safe all winter long. Follow these steps and you should not have any surprises you cannot handle. 

Prepare for the Unexpected
In the winter, a power outage can occur at any time. This can occur because of a snow storm or various other reasons. No matter the cause, it is best to be prepared so you can stay warm. If the power goes out, you will need to have a heat source that does not rely on electricity. Make sure you have an option for this and that you have everything in your home to use it. Also, you never know how long your power outage will last so it is best to be stocked with all of the essentials. You should have a winter emergency kit with all of the medicine needed, food, water, and candles. 

Prep For Possible Issues
Before it gets really cold, make sure your furnace is working properly. Have a professional come out and inspect it for any issues so you can tackle them before you and your family suffer through the cold waiting on a repair. This is also the perfect time to take a look at your homeowners policy for any gaps. If you do not have one, you may want to consider getting one. You can call an agent at The Insurance Shop USA serving the Sandypoint, ID, area to help you with these insurance tasks.

Fall Car Care In Sandypoint

Sandypoint can be a lot of fun. As the weather gets colder throughout Idaho, there are car care tips that you will want to follow to prepare. This will ensure that your car is in the best condition possible to deal with all of the fall weather.

One of the first things you need to do is check on the battery. Connections need to be clean and tight because the colder weather can be especially harsh on batteries. The charging system needs to be in good condition.

The entire heater and defroster system needs to be inspected as well. An HVAC professional can look at the cooling performance to ensure that you have the interior comfort that you need. This way when you turn on the heat, you can be sure that it works properly. You also want to have the defroster checked. This is a great time to have the wiper blades and the cabin air filter replaced as well.

Tires should be checked during the fall months as well. You want to make sure that there is a good amount of tire tread so that there is sufficient grip on the roads. Also, note that as the temperatures get colder, the PSI can change dramatically.

You may also want to consider having your brakes inspected at this time. This is something that should be done annually and the fall can be your reminder. After all, with all the ice and snow that may be on the roads, you want to make sure that your brakes are capable of stopping regardless of road conditions.

At the Insurance Shop USA, we’re here to answer questions you have about auto insurance. Call today and one of our agents can find quotes, explain coverage, and help you get an affordable policy you can rely on in Sandypoint.


Save On Car Insurance In ID If You’re A Student

When you live in Idaho and you’re a student, there’s good news. You have the ability to save money on car insurance. There are a few things you need to know about buying a policy. This will ensure you are getting the best price on a monthly premium as possible.

There are several discounts that you may qualify for as a student. You may qualify for all of them or only one of them. Knowing about them all will make it easier for you to make some changes so you have the chance to qualify for them all down the road.

The top discounts for students include:

  • Good student
  • Low mileage
  • Defensive driving
  • Safe driver

Each of these discounts can be substantial – and they are not going to be the same from all of the insurance companies in Idaho.

The good student discount is typically for students with a 3.0 GPA or better. If you don’t have good grades, you know it can be advantageous to improve your grades so you can potentially lower premiums next semester.

Low mileage is a discount as well. If you’re traveling less than 20 miles a day, such as when you live on campus, it is worth a mention to the insurance agent to see if you qualify.

Defensive driving is a course you can take – and it’s only about 5 hours. Plus, it could reduce your premium by 10% or more.

Finally, you may be able to save simply by being a safe driver.

At The Insurance Shop USA, we can help you find a premium that makes sense, whether you’re a college student or not. Contact us today and we will get quotes from top insurance companies in Idaho so you can be sure you’re getting the best policy in Sandypoint.


Keep Your Garage Sale Safe

When setting up garage sales, safety isn’t usually on the forefront of people’s minds. Instead, they’re focused on pricing and displaying items. If you’re organizing things for a garage sale, though, make sure to keep in mind some basic safety tips.

Safety at Garage Sales

Safety doesn’t need to get in the way of pricing and setting up items for sale, but it’s something you should keep in mind at all times. Organizing your sale around a few common-sense principles will reduce the likelihood that someone accidently gets hurt. For example, you can:

  • place sharp objects out of the reach of small children
  • keep small items on tables so people don’t trip over them
  • make sure there’s a clear pathway through your wares

These are all simple steps but will help keep your sale safe for everyone who comes.

Your Liability Coverage

No matter how much attention you give to safety, you can’t eliminate all accidents. To protect yourself if there is an accident on your property, you should have liability coverage.

Most homeowners insurance policies include personal liability coverage, although policies’ terms and conditions that govern the coverage vary widely. If someone is injured in an incident that’s covered by your liability coverage, your insurance policy may protect you.

If you only have limited liability coverage through your current homeowners policy, consider increasing your protection before you have a garage sale. At The Insurance Shop USA, we can help you find a new homeowners policy if you live in Sandypoint, ID. In just a few moments, our agents can find you a policy with the liability coverage you want. To get in touch with them, send us an email through our website.


SurpriseHomeowners Coverages in Sandpoint, ID

For those looking to purchase a homeowners insurance policy in Sandpoint, ID, there are many considerations you will want to take into account. While most people consider a homeowners policy as being primarily for protection in the case of the total destruction of the home, the fact is that your homeowners insurance policy likely has many more coverages than you may have imagined. For example:

  • Coverages related to foundation damage

Many homeowners insurance policies cover foundation damage which may affect a home, and offers coverages to replace such damaged features as a sinking deck or porch, in addition to the home’s actual foundation. One thing you should take into account is that homeowners policies do not always cover the foundation directly, and you may need to purchase a separate rider in order to have the foundation covered. This is because repairing the home’s foundation can be very expensive, and therefore its coverage is often extra.

  • Coverage against theft

Many people would be surprised to learn that their homeowners insurance policy usually covers their personal belongings against theft. Every policy has its own coverage limits, terms, and conditions, and strict documentation of the home’s contents will likely be needed in the case that a claim needs to be filed.

  • Accidental bodily harm

Suppose your dog bites your neighbors child while warn your property. Many homeowners policies will have coverages for this type of situation and other instances of accidental bodily harm.Like all other coverages, it is a good idea to talk to your broker about just how much your policy covers in the case of accidental bodily harm, and what kinds of accidents are covered.

Do These 4 Things And Your Vehicle In Sandypoint Will Be Around Longer

When you live in Sandypoint, Idaho, you want your vehicle to be around for a long time. While you may be taking care of the interior and thinking you are taking care of everything that is under the hood, there is more that you can probably be doing.

Watch Your Speed

Speeding can not only be dangerous, but can also cost you more in gas. It may also cause you to make sudden stops, which will take a negative toll on your brakes. Slow down and you may be able to hold onto your vehicle for longer.

Empty Your Trunk

Empty out your trunk from time to time so that you aren’t driving around with any excess weight. More weight can result in poor engine performance and cost you more in gas.

Change the Oil

You need to make sure that you are changing the oil and the oil filter periodically so that your engine isn’t being fed sludge. The frequency of your oil changes depend upon the make and model, but should range somewhere between 3,000 and 8,000 miles. Refer to your owner’s manual so that you know when it’s time to have the service.

Inflate Your Tires

One of the biggest mistakes that people make is to forget about their tires. Approximately 1/3 of all drivers on the road are driving around with under inflated tires. By checking the PSI on a regular basis, you can make sure that it is at the level that the manufacturer recommends. If it is lower than it should be, simply put some air in the tires.

Call The Insurance Shop USA today to learn more about ways to protect you and your car. We can help you find a car insurance policy that is affordable, and provides you with peace of mind while out on the roads in Idaho.



Do You Need Renters Insurance? 4 Facts to Consider

Many people opt to rent a house or apartment in lieu of owning a home. In some cases, this is for financial reasons. Others opt to do so to avoid many of the pitfalls that come with owning your own home.

But what happens when there’s a weather event, fire, or theft? Do you really need renters insurance? Here are four facts to consider.

#1: Your Landlord is Not Responsible for Your Belongings

One really big misconception among renters is that their landlord is responsible for their belongings if an incident occurs. The truth is that your landlord is only responsible for the building itself, not your items. By having renters insurance, you can make sure you are covered against any unexpected losses.

#2: A Fire or Theft Could Happen Anytime

The unexpected usually happens when you are the least prepared. By having a renters policy in place, you can rest assured that if a fire, theft, or other incident occurs, you are ready.

#3: Most Policies Cover Your Items Anywhere in the World

Do you travel often? Or do you leave a variety of different personal items in your vehicle? If you answered yes to either of these questions, purchasing a renters policy is important. Most carriers offer coverage for your items no matter where they are. This means that your laptop that your accidentally left in your passenger seat and that heirloom necklace you took with you on your whirlwind European vacation are both covered.

#4: Renters Policies Are Affordable

Another misconception about renters policies is that they are expensive, when they are quite affordable. Often, you can get total coverage for your belongings for only a few dollars a month. Some policyholders even receive a special discount for having a renters policy and their auto insurance with the same carrier, which often makes the cost of premiums the same or lower than just covering your car alone.

Learn more now. Contact our team at the Insurance Shop USA today for a no-obligation quote.