Are You Grilling The Safest Way Possible?

How often do you grill and not pay any attention to the safety aspects? Many people grill in Sandypoint, ID throughout the year. When you’re one of them, it’s important to be a responsible homeowner and follow a few safety points.

One of the most important aspects is where your grill is located. You want to keep it at least 20 feet away from your home, and if you live in a condominium or apartment, there may be additional rules as to where the grill needs to be before you light it.

You also want to make sure that the grill is clean before you begin to use it. If there is a lot of caked on food or grease, it can lead to flare-ups and even uncontrollable flames. A strong wire brush should do the trick.

If you want to use nonstick spray, be sure to do so before you light the grill. Otherwise, you could experience a significant flame.

The flames are live and you want to be careful. Embers can fly out and that is why you don’t want to have anything flammable too close to the grill, such as patio furniture, towels, or anything else. Keeping a fire extinguisher nearby is also a best practice so that if there is a fire, you have the ability to put it out quickly.

If you use gas for your grill, inspect the tank for leaks periodically and be sure to close the valve when you are done grilling for the day.

When you are ready to put the grill away, be sure everything has cooled down. Charcoal briquettes need to be cool before you dispose of them, and the grill needs to be cool before you put any kind of cover on top of it.

Be safe when grilling. When you want to explore affordable homeowners insurance, contact us at The Insurance Shop USA.



Wake Up When Driving

Driving in Sandypoint, Idaho requires your utmost attention. If you are completely asleep behind the wheel, you obviously cannot react to any of your surroundings. Someone could slam on their brakes in front of you, you could veer into another lane, or wildlife could run across the road. None of this can be controlled when you are not alert enough to react.

Approximately 100,000 people reported crashes occur every year and the CDC estimates thousands more go unreported. This means that there are significant statistics out there, and you don’t want to be a part of them. You could injure yourself or others, and even death could occur.

The easiest way to wake up when drowsy is to get a good night sleep the night before. This should include 7 to 9 hours of good shut-eye. If you are going long distances, pull off the highway and take a 20 minute nap if you are starting to fall asleep. There are plenty of rest areas along the highways, and also hotels and motels for you to rest at.

If you have come off of a long shift and are tired, don’t even get behind the wheel. Call for a taxi or ask someone else to drive you home.

If you have another licensed driver in the car, split the driving duties. While you drive, they can sleep, and vice versa. This is a good best practice to get in the habit of using when you are taking long road trips. You should also take a break every two hours or hundred miles so that you can stretch and ensure that you are alert enough to continue.

At The Insurance Shop, we can help find auto insurance policies that meet your needs and your budget. Call us today so we can begin finding quotes on your behalf.


The Importance of Insurance for Religious Institutions

Religious Institutions are not often thought of when considering who needs insurance coverage but they often need it as much as, if not more than, other facilities. There are a few different reasons that these facilities need insurance and each is as important as the last. For starters, religious institutions are often the repository for very valuable items. This can be things that have been donated, valuable works of art, irreplaceable artifacts, technology and so much more. This is one of the biggest reasons that religious institutions need insurance to protect these items in the case of a fire, a break in, a flood, or some other catastrophe.

There are also employees to consider. There are dozens of employees that keep each religious institution going from day to day and it is important that they are protected as well. This means making sure that they are protected by an insurance umbrella while they are at work and that they have coverage to protect them while they are on the grounds and in the building. This is important as those facilities that do not have coverage are likely to have to deal with any injuries or other issues that pop up on their own.

Lastly, religious institutions are visited by hundreds of people every day and these individuals need to be protected as well. Though most facilities keep their grounds in great shape and they keep their buildings in great shape as well, accidents do happen. This means that there should be some sort of protection in place to help pay out any claims that are made and to protect the assets of the religious institution as best as possible. All of these factors make it necessary and smart for religious institutions to have insurance policies in place.  

Choose Local: Get the Best Life Insurance Coverage with Independent Agents

Living a full and happy life in Idaho isn’t a hard feat to achieve for most residents. The greater Sandpoint area has everything from Lake Pend Orielle to Schwitzer Mountain Resort and the Silverwood Theme Park for residents and visitors alike to enjoy. As your independent Idaho agents, we want to make sure you and your loved ones will be well taken care of for many years to come.

It’s Never Too Soon for Life Insurance

Although it may be a difficult subject for many to think about, finding a life insurance policy to care for your loved ones after you pass is the responsible and caring thing to do. At The Insurance Shop USA, we can work with you to find a policy that works best for your family and for your budget.

Many people think that time is on their side when it comes to shopping for a life insurance policy. But in this case it pays to be prepared for the worst. Whether you choose a term or whole life insurance plan, this is the easiest and best way to make sure your loved ones will be cared for after you pass.

Go Local and Save

When you shop and compare quotes with The Insurance Shop USA you’ll be connected to the top major insurance providers in the nation. You’ll also be able to still enjoy a local and personalized experience along the way. We have made shopping for and comparing quotes online easier than ever before.

Visit The Insurance Shop USA online today to easily compare quotes in just minutes. Give the ones you love most peace of mind by investing in their future with an affordable and comprehensive life insurance policy today.

Basic & Special: Two Forms of Commecial Insurance to Get to Know

If you are in business in Idaho, you know there’s a big difference between income and profit. You also know the difference between an employee and a contract employee. But do you know the difference between Basic Form and Special Form commercial Insurance?

Basic Form and Special Form insurance are both forms of property insurance, but how they cover potential perils to your property are quite different. Knowing the difference can be helpful.

With Basic Form insurance, the specifics of your property coverage are spelled out in the policy. The policy will list each peril that is covered under the terms of the policy. If it is not listed you can assume you are not covered for a particular calamity. Special form insurance, however, takes a different approach. Special Form insurance assumes that you are covered for all perils to your property, unless they are specifically excluded. Many businesses prefer Special Form commercial property insurance because of its wider coverage. They seem to appreciate specifically knowing what is not covered.

An independent insurance agency can help find you the most competitive rates on your business insurance, whether you choose Basic or Special Form. Because they are independent, they can search multiple companies. In Idaho, The Insurance Shop USA is such an independent agency.

We can review your insurance, and scour our vendor companies to get you a rate you will appreciate. You can try us online. Visit our website and get a comparative quote for your homeowner or auto insurance.

Knowing the difference between Basic Form and Special Form insurance can make a significant difference in how you are protected. Knowing the difference between captive and independent agents can make a difference in what you pay. Contact The Insurance Shop USA today, and let us help you start saving money tomorrow!

4 Frequently-Filed Homeowners Claims and How You Can Avoid Them

Your homeowners insurance policy is designed to help protect you as well as your personal belongings – not to mention your house. However, no one wants to have to go through the hassles of filing an insurance claim. Therefore, if you can reduce your chances of needing to file a claim, you want to do it. Here are some tips for each of the four major types of home insurance claims that are filed:

  1. Damage from Storms – When a storm comes in, it will usually bring some significant winds with it. These winds can do some serious damage to your home. Make sure your outdoor furniture is put away or anchored down. Inspect your trees for dead limbs. Take the time to trim off any limbs hanging over your home’s roof.
  2. Damage from Fires – Fire damage does not only impact your home and its structure, as it always damages your personal belongings. You need to take caution when using candles, matches, fireplaces, and other fire-related items in the home, including the stove. Whenever possible, you should not smoke inside.
  3. Damage from Water – In order to prevent water damage, you need to make sure that your frozen pipes, plumbing leaks and other water-related problems are taken care of immediately. Keep in mind that flood damage is typically covered underneath a separate flood policy.
  4. Personal Injuries – While your home should be safe, you, your family and home guests should be as well. When a person gets injured on your property, you are at risk of a personal injury claim. Make sure that your swing sets, hot tubs, pools and trampolines are very dangerous, so it is crucial that you keep the areas secure.

When you own your home, it is important that you have taken the necessary steps to keep it safe and secure for your entire family and any guests that may come over. By following the above steps, you are less likely to need to file a claim in Rathdrum, ID. If you aren’t currently insured, give our agency a call to get quotes for homeowners coverage.

How Can I Avoid An Increase On Homeowner’s Insurance?

Hayden, ID is a relatively small, quiet town in the northern part of the state. There’s a lot of recreation outdoors, including hiking trails and streams for fishing. A family fun park for the kids is available in the town and many other things to do exist as well.

When you call Hayden home, it’s important to look at your homeowners insurance policy. The cost of the premium may be affordable, but you don’t want to experience an increase each year. Many times, the companies will send out a notice that there is an increase without providing any kind of explanation as to why.

Sometimes, you cannot control if there’s an increase on the policy or not. The cost of insurance could go up across ID and you simply have to accept it. If the value of your home goes up considerably as well, you may not be able to do much about it, especially if you made upgrades by adding a fence, deck, pool, or something else.

The best way to avoid any kind of increase with homeowner’s insurance in Hayden is by working with one of our agents. We work with a lot of the different insurance companies in the area. This allows us to make comparisons between the different companies to try and find the best price. While one company is ready to increase the cost of your policy, another company could be able to lower the cost.

This is why comparison shopping your homeowner’s insurance is so important. If you want to avoid an increase, it’s the only way to get around it. Our agents can help with the whole process so you don’t have to call the individual insurance companies. Call us today and let us find quotes for you.

What Factors Go Into The Cost Of Insuring An Antique Car?

There are some incredible things to do throughout Idaho. Many people associate the state with potato farms and while there are many around, there are also state parks, lakes for fishing, and various attractions and events to visit as well.

When you live in Idaho and have an antique car, it’s important to know how to get classic car insurance. This will ensure you are protected on the roads and will be able to file a claim should something happen to it.

There are factors involved in providing a cost for a policy on your collectible. The insurance company will want to know such details as:

– Year, make and model of car

– How much you paid for it and the year you bought it

– How you store it (garage, driveway)

– How many miles you drive it a year

All of these details will be taken into consideration when determining the cost of a classic car insurance policy. It’s better to know what these are ahead of time so you can make it easier to collect quotes.

We have agents to help you with this task in Idaho. This will ensure you don’t have to do all of the work on your own. They can talk to you about how the classic car insurance company is going to value your antique and answer any questions you may have.

Our agents are also going to work with multiple companies to try and get the best possible price for you. This ensures you don’t spend more than necessary to insure your collectible.

Call us today to let us help. Once you get the policy, you can drive around Idaho and beyond in your antique and enjoy a higher peace of mind knowing that you are well protected.

Am I Liable In A Collision?

Sandpoint, Idaho is located in the northern part of the state. There are many neighborhoods and communities found within the 83864 ZIP code and many families call this area home. Various things to do exist, including outdoor recreation through the city’s park system.

When you call this part of Idaho home, it’s important to understand how automobile insurance is going to protect you. The last thing you want to do is pay for all of the repairs and expenses out of pocket and that’s why the state requires everyone to have insurance if they are going to be on the roads.

When there is a collision, you may be liable. It all depends on who was the one responsible for the accident taking place. If you caused the collision, then you are going to be the one liable for everything – personal injury, property damage, and anything else.

Your automobile insurance policy in 83864 is going to cover you, at least in part. There are minimum requirements in Idaho that you must maintain. You can choose to go above and beyond these liability limits, however. We have agents who can assist you with determining the level of liability coverage that you should have on your policy based upon accidents in the area as well as your own driving record.

Regardless of how safe of a driver you are, a collision can happen and you could be held liable for all of the damages. If your insurance policy doesn’t have the full level of coverage based upon the cost of the accident, you could be responsible for the remaining amount out of pocket – and that could be enough to bankrupt you.

Contact one of our insurance agents today to find out how to protect yourself with the right policy.

Does Your Commercial Insurance Policy Cover Theft in Sandpoint, Idaho?

As a business owner in Sandpoint, ID, you are likely well aware of the risks involved in owning and operating a business. In order to protect your company, it is crucial that you take the time to obtain appropriate commercial insurance. However, with so many options available, it can be hard to determine which policy is best for you and your business. Commercial insurance is definitely a must, but it is important to look at what the policy covers before signing up.

Is Theft a Covered Item?

Because theft is common for commercial businesses, it is important that it is a covered item in your business insurance policy. Under most circumstances, theft of goofs or other company property is covered. However, this can still vary from policy to policy. As a general rule, the insurance company will pay for any income loss that occurred as a direct result of the particular theft. If a window or door was broken in order for the criminal to enter your place of business, the repairs are generally covered as well.

You May Want to Consider Additional Coverage

Although the basic commercial insurance policy will probably provide you with enough coverage in the event that a theft does occur, you may want to consider adding additional coverage just in case. Depending on how serious the theft was, your policy may limit the amount of money that they will pay to you. This could cause you to be unable to replace all the equipment and goods that were stolen.

Ultimately, when it comes to your business in Sandpoint, ID, you need to take the time to speak to one of our independent agents. We are here to help you find the most appropriate plan that will match your particular needs. Don't let a theft bring your business down, give our commercial insurance agents a call today!