Do These 4 Things And Your Vehicle In Sandypoint Will Be Around Longer

When you live in Sandypoint, Idaho, you want your vehicle to be around for a long time. While you may be taking care of the interior and thinking you are taking care of everything that is under the hood, there is more that you can probably be doing.

Watch Your Speed

Speeding can not only be dangerous, but can also cost you more in gas. It may also cause you to make sudden stops, which will take a negative toll on your brakes. Slow down and you may be able to hold onto your vehicle for longer.

Empty Your Trunk

Empty out your trunk from time to time so that you aren’t driving around with any excess weight. More weight can result in poor engine performance and cost you more in gas.

Change the Oil

You need to make sure that you are changing the oil and the oil filter periodically so that your engine isn’t being fed sludge. The frequency of your oil changes depend upon the make and model, but should range somewhere between 3,000 and 8,000 miles. Refer to your owner’s manual so that you know when it’s time to have the service.

Inflate Your Tires

One of the biggest mistakes that people make is to forget about their tires. Approximately 1/3 of all drivers on the road are driving around with under inflated tires. By checking the PSI on a regular basis, you can make sure that it is at the level that the manufacturer recommends. If it is lower than it should be, simply put some air in the tires.

Call The Insurance Shop USA today to learn more about ways to protect you and your car. We can help you find a car insurance policy that is affordable, and provides you with peace of mind while out on the roads in Idaho.



Wake Up When Driving

Driving in Sandypoint, Idaho requires your utmost attention. If you are completely asleep behind the wheel, you obviously cannot react to any of your surroundings. Someone could slam on their brakes in front of you, you could veer into another lane, or wildlife could run across the road. None of this can be controlled when you are not alert enough to react.

Approximately 100,000 people reported crashes occur every year and the CDC estimates thousands more go unreported. This means that there are significant statistics out there, and you don’t want to be a part of them. You could injure yourself or others, and even death could occur.

The easiest way to wake up when drowsy is to get a good night sleep the night before. This should include 7 to 9 hours of good shut-eye. If you are going long distances, pull off the highway and take a 20 minute nap if you are starting to fall asleep. There are plenty of rest areas along the highways, and also hotels and motels for you to rest at.

If you have come off of a long shift and are tired, don’t even get behind the wheel. Call for a taxi or ask someone else to drive you home.

If you have another licensed driver in the car, split the driving duties. While you drive, they can sleep, and vice versa. This is a good best practice to get in the habit of using when you are taking long road trips. You should also take a break every two hours or hundred miles so that you can stretch and ensure that you are alert enough to continue.

At The Insurance Shop, we can help find auto insurance policies that meet your needs and your budget. Call us today so we can begin finding quotes on your behalf.


What Factors Go Into The Cost Of Insuring An Antique Car?

There are some incredible things to do throughout Idaho. Many people associate the state with potato farms and while there are many around, there are also state parks, lakes for fishing, and various attractions and events to visit as well.

When you live in Idaho and have an antique car, it’s important to know how to get classic car insurance. This will ensure you are protected on the roads and will be able to file a claim should something happen to it.

There are factors involved in providing a cost for a policy on your collectible. The insurance company will want to know such details as:

– Year, make and model of car

– How much you paid for it and the year you bought it

– How you store it (garage, driveway)

– How many miles you drive it a year

All of these details will be taken into consideration when determining the cost of a classic car insurance policy. It’s better to know what these are ahead of time so you can make it easier to collect quotes.

We have agents to help you with this task in Idaho. This will ensure you don’t have to do all of the work on your own. They can talk to you about how the classic car insurance company is going to value your antique and answer any questions you may have.

Our agents are also going to work with multiple companies to try and get the best possible price for you. This ensures you don’t spend more than necessary to insure your collectible.

Call us today to let us help. Once you get the policy, you can drive around Idaho and beyond in your antique and enjoy a higher peace of mind knowing that you are well protected.

Am I Liable In A Collision?

Sandpoint, Idaho is located in the northern part of the state. There are many neighborhoods and communities found within the 83864 ZIP code and many families call this area home. Various things to do exist, including outdoor recreation through the city’s park system.

When you call this part of Idaho home, it’s important to understand how automobile insurance is going to protect you. The last thing you want to do is pay for all of the repairs and expenses out of pocket and that’s why the state requires everyone to have insurance if they are going to be on the roads.

When there is a collision, you may be liable. It all depends on who was the one responsible for the accident taking place. If you caused the collision, then you are going to be the one liable for everything – personal injury, property damage, and anything else.

Your automobile insurance policy in 83864 is going to cover you, at least in part. There are minimum requirements in Idaho that you must maintain. You can choose to go above and beyond these liability limits, however. We have agents who can assist you with determining the level of liability coverage that you should have on your policy based upon accidents in the area as well as your own driving record.

Regardless of how safe of a driver you are, a collision can happen and you could be held liable for all of the damages. If your insurance policy doesn’t have the full level of coverage based upon the cost of the accident, you could be responsible for the remaining amount out of pocket – and that could be enough to bankrupt you.

Contact one of our insurance agents today to find out how to protect yourself with the right policy.

Find Classic Car Insurance for Antique and Collectible Cars in Sandpoint, ID

Nothing feels better than taking your antique or collectible car out for a spin out along Wild Horse Trail or the Pend Oreille Scenic Byway in Sandpoint, ID. Whether you've spent long hours rebuilding your collectible car or just bought an antique classic car, having it properly insured for the road is a must.

Find the Best Classic Car Insurance in Sandpoint

Because owning a classic car is much different than owning a more modern vehicle, extra steps often need to be taken to get them properly insured. Once someone has put that much time, effort and money into a collectible and antique vehicle it just makes sense to prepare for any possible situation.

Choosing the best classic car insurance for your prized vehicle doesn't have to be a lengthy or expensive process. The Insurance Shop USA can get classic car owners a quote online in just minutes. As a local ID agency, our team of independent agents enjoy are ready to help new clients from all over the greater Sandpoint area find the classic car insurance coverage that fits within their budget.

Get a Quote and Start Driving Today

Because insurance laws vary by state, it is important to work with a local agency when finding the best coverage for your classic car. State laws require that all vehicles have a minimum level of insurance to be on the road but that doesn't always cover every situation.

Our ID based team is ready to help you get fast and easy online quotes to compare in just minutes. Give yourself peace of mind in the event that disaster strikes by exploring all of your coverage options with The Insurance Shop USA online today.

Hail Damage, Your Auto and Car Insurance in Sandpoint, ID

Whether you’re out exploring Schweitzer Mountain or are taking your kids to school at Northside, you are going to need to seek shelter in order to protect yourself from serious injury. However, you may not be able to find an adequate cover for your vehicle in Sandpoint, ID. This means that your auto may experience hail damage, which could go much deeper than the vehicle’s clear coat.

Understanding the Levels of Hail Damage

Hail damage can range from a couple of minor dents or barely penetrating your clear coat to more serious damage resulted in shattered glass and damage to the body panel. In some cases, the hail damage may be so severe that your vehicle is totaled by the insurance company.

How Does Your Car Insurance Work?

When you have a personal auto insurance policy, you have various coverage options to choose from. If you are currently paying on your vehicle, then it may be required to have both comprehensive and collision coverage along with your liability coverage. However, if you own an older vehicle or it is paid off, then you may have liability only coverage for your vehicle.

Obviously, collision coverage isn’t going to come into play with hail damage, but comprehensive coverage will. Comprehensive will protect against various losses, including theft, fire, vandalism and weather-related events such as hail.

Steps to Take When Your Car Suffers Hail Damage

If your vehicle suffers minor or significant hail damage, it is crucial that you report the damage immediately to your insurance company. You can do this by speaking to one of our independent agents in Sandpoint, who can file the claim and explain the various repair options that are available to you based upon your policy.

If you are uncertain whether or not your vehicle is covered in the event of a hailstorm, give us a call today so that we can review your policy and update it for you, if necessary. After all, the last thing you want is to find out that your vehicle is not properly insured under Idaho law to pay for the repairs associated with hail damage, leaving you to pay for the repairs out of your own pocket.

Cheap Car Insurance Rates in Rathdrum, ID

When shopping around for cheap car insurance rates in Rathdrum, ID, you can save a lot of time by working directly with a local, independent agent. A local agent will be familiar with Idaho’s state laws regarding auto insurance, and, as an independent agent, they will be able to quickly compare different insurers’ policies for you.

Knowing Insurance Laws

All drivers in Idaho are required to have the state minimum levels of auto insurance, but these may not be enough. Unlike an online quote, a local agent will be able to work with you directly and tailor your policy to your personal situation. The state minimums may be enough, or it may prove wise to purchase a higher level of protection.

Sometimes other questions crop up when shopping around for coverage. If you recently moved to the state, the options may not be identical to those that you had in your previous state. A local agent will be able to explain why the policies you see in Idaho vary slightly from your previous state’s policies.

Shopping Multiple Companies

Not only should your auto insurance agent be a local member of the community, but they should also be an independent agent. Independent agents do not work for any one auto insurance company, so they can compare quotes from all the insurers to find you the cheapest policy available.

Contact Us Today

If you are in the market for a new auto insurance policy, or if you just want to see how your current one compares, contact us today. We are licensed agents in the state of Idaho, members of the Rathdrum community and work independently. We would be glad to answer any questions you have and find you a new car insurance policy.

Auto Insurance Coverage in Hayden, ID

Each state has their own minimum levels of auto insurance that drivers are required to maintain. Many drivers in Idaho, however, find that the state minimums do not provide them with all of the protection they would like. If you are concerned that the state minimums might leave you unprotected, consider talking with one of our local agents to review your specific situation.

Select Your Level of Coverage Wisely

You should not select a level of coverage simply because it is the bare minimum, and therefore is the cheapest. Nor should you pick the highest level of coverage, simply because it provides the greatest protection. Coverage should be selected only after reviewing the assets you own and the amount of risk you are willing to assume. Only once these have been considered can you wisely choose the coverage that is best for you.

Work with a Local Agent

Our agents can help you assess your personal level of risk and determine what level of coverage you are comfortable with. They will review the value of all your possessions, since everything you own may be jeopardized in a lawsuit. They will also go over various scenarios where you might be held responsible, so you can understand when each type of coverage comes into play. Because they live and work in Hayden, ID, they can go over real-life scenarios that might happen to you.

To make sure you have an appropriate level of auto insurance coverage, call one of our agents today. It may take more than 15 minutes, but they will take an in-depth look at your situation and help you choose what is best for you. It is not always about saving a few dimes on premiums; sometimes making sure you can sleep well at night knowing you are protected is more important.